9 Expert Tips to Care for Your BJJ Gi Banner

9 Expert Tips to Care for Your BJJ Gi

Sunday, June 16, 2024 - Thursday, May 22, 2025

04:00 PM - 07:00 PM

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is a demanding martial art that requires dedication, practice, and proper equipment. One of the most important pieces of equipment for a BJJ practitioner is the gi. The gi, a traditional uniform, is designed to withstand the rigors of grappling and ground fighting, but it requires proper care to ensure its longevity and performance. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned practitioner, taking good care of your bjj gi is essential. Here are nine expert tips to help you maintain your gi, ensuring it stays in top condition for your training sessions.

1. Choose the Right Gi for Your Needs

Before diving into maintenance tips, it’s crucial to choose the right gi that suits your needs. BJJ gis come in various materials, weights, and weaves. Lighter gis are ideal for hot climates or for those who compete in tournaments with weight restrictions, while heavier gis are more durable and can withstand rigorous training sessions.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Gi:

  • Material: Cotton is common, but there are also blends with synthetics for added durability.
  • Weave: Single, double, and gold weave are popular options, each offering different levels of durability and comfort.
  • Fit: Ensure the gi fits well and allows for a full range of motion.
  • Brand: Reputable brands tend to offer better quality and longevity.

Selecting the right gi is the first step in ensuring it lasts. A good fit and quality material make caring for it easier and more effective.

2. Wash Your Gi Immediately After Training

One of the most important tips for gi care is to wash it immediately after training. Leaving your gi unwashed can lead to unpleasant odors, bacterial growth, and fabric degradation.

Steps for Immediate Washing:

  • Pre-Rinse: Rinse your gi with cold water to remove sweat and dirt.
  • Machine Wash: Use a gentle cycle with cold or warm water. Hot water can shrink the fabric and damage the fibers.
  • Mild Detergent: Choose a mild, bleach-free detergent. Harsh chemicals can weaken the fabric.

Washing your gi promptly not only keeps it clean but also helps prevent the buildup of bacteria and fungi, which can cause skin infections.

3. Avoid Using Bleach and Fabric Softeners

Bleach and fabric softeners can be harmful to your gi. Bleach can weaken the fibers and cause the fabric to deteriorate over time. Fabric softeners, on the other hand, can leave a residue that affects the gi's breathability and can make it feel slippery during training.

Alternative Cleaning Solutions:

  • White Vinegar: Add a cup of white vinegar to the rinse cycle to help remove odors and act as a natural fabric softener.
  • Baking Soda: Use baking soda in the wash to help eliminate odors and stains.

Using natural alternatives helps maintain the integrity of the fabric, ensuring your gi remains durable and comfortable.

4. Dry Your Gi Properly

How you dry your gi is just as important as how you wash it. Improper drying can lead to shrinkage and damage to the fabric.

Proper Drying Techniques:

  • Air Drying: The best method is to hang your gi to air dry in a well-ventilated area. Avoid direct sunlight, as UV rays can weaken the fibers and cause colors to fade.
  • Indoor Drying: If you need to dry your gi indoors, use a drying rack and ensure good air circulation.
  • Avoid Dryer: If you must use a dryer, choose the lowest heat setting and remove the gi while it's still slightly damp to air dry completely.

Air drying your gi helps maintain its shape and size, preventing unnecessary wear and tear from high heat.

5. Inspect Your Gi Regularly

Regular inspections can help you catch small issues before they become major problems. Look for signs of wear and tear, such as fraying seams, loose threads, or holes.

What to Look For:

  • Stitching: Check all seams and reinforcements for loose or broken threads.
  • Fabric: Look for thin spots or holes that may need patching.
  • Patches and Embroidery: Ensure that patches and embroidery are secure and not peeling off.

Addressing these issues promptly can extend the life of your gi. Simple repairs, like reinforcing a seam or patching a small hole, can prevent further damage.

6. Rotate Your Gis

If you train regularly, it’s a good idea to have multiple gis in rotation. This practice allows each gi to rest between uses, reducing the wear and tear on any single gi.

Benefits of Rotation:

  • Longevity: Rotating your gis helps them last longer by giving them time to recover between sessions.
  • Hygiene: It also ensures that you always have a clean gi available, which is crucial for maintaining good hygiene.
  • Variety: Having a variety of gis can also be beneficial for different training conditions, such as lighter gis for summer and heavier ones for winter.

Investing in a few high-quality gis and rotating them can save you money in the long run and keep you training in clean, well-maintained gear.

7. Use Long Sleeve and Short Sleeve Rash Guards

Wearing rash guards under your gi can significantly extend its life. Rash guards provide an additional layer between your skin and the gi, reducing the amount of sweat and body oils that come into contact with the gi fabric.

Types of Rash Guards:

  • Long Sleeve Rash Guards: Offer full coverage and protect your arms from friction and mat burns.
  • Short Sleeve Rash Guards: Provide protection while allowing more freedom of movement for your arms.

Rash guards not only protect your gi but also add a layer of comfort and protection for your skin. They help to wick away sweat, reducing the moisture that gets absorbed by the gi, and prevent mat burns and other skin irritations.

8. Store Your Gi Properly

Proper storage is essential for maintaining your gi’s condition when it’s not in use. Incorrect storage can lead to mold, mildew, and fabric deterioration.

Storage Tips:

  • Clean and Dry: Always store your gi clean and completely dry to prevent mold and mildew.
  • Hang or Fold: Hanging your gi on a sturdy hanger helps maintain its shape, while folding it neatly can save space and prevent wrinkles.
  • Ventilated Area: Store your gi in a cool, dry, and well-ventilated area. Avoid leaving it in your gym bag or a damp locker.

Proper storage ensures that your gi remains fresh and ready for your next training session, preventing unpleasant odors and fabric damage.

9. Treat Stains Immediately

Stains are inevitable, but treating them promptly can prevent permanent damage. Sweat, blood, and other substances can set into the fabric if not addressed quickly.

Stain Removal Tips:

  • Cold Water Rinse: Immediately rinse the stained area with cold water to prevent the stain from setting.
  • Stain Remover: Use a mild stain remover or a mixture of baking soda and water to treat the stain. Avoid harsh chemicals that can damage the fabric.
  • Scrub Gently: Gently scrub the stained area with a soft brush or cloth. Be careful not to damage the fibers.

Prompt stain treatment helps keep your gi looking clean and professional, maintaining its appearance and longevity.


Caring for your BJJ gi requires a bit of effort, but the benefits are well worth it. By following these expert tips, you can ensure that your gi remains in excellent condition, providing you with the best performance and durability. Remember, a well-maintained gi not only enhances your training experience but also reflects your commitment to the art of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

Investing time in proper gi care, from choosing the right gi and washing it correctly to using long sleeve rash guards and short sleeve rash guards, will pay off in the long run. Your gi is more than just a uniform; it's a symbol of your dedication and hard work in the sport. Treat it with the care it deserves, and it will serve you well on your journey in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.


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