Mastermind Group Open House: June 22, 7AM Banner

Mastermind Group Open House: June 22, 7AM

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

07:00 AM - 07:45 AM

Zoom -

Welcome to our Mastermind Group Open House! We're excited to be able to leverage our knowledge, expertise, and passion to help you continue on your life's journey to find more fulfillment and higher levels of success!

We will be holding the first mastermind Group Meeting on Thursday, June 30 from 7 PM to 9 PM. Leading up to the Mastermind Kickoff, we are holding three open houses via zoom for our Business Owners/Leaders Mastermind and our Influencers Mastermind.

During these open houses, we'll be answering questions and explaining how our mastermind group will work and how it can help you reach higher levels of success in your personal and professional life.

Who should attend?

Business Owners and Leaders looking for higher levels of success and growth in their personal and professional lives. This group is focused on dealing with business and leadership problems encountered in small ($1+ million) and mid-size businesses (up to $150 million). In this group, Tony and Pete bring their combined 50+ years of business problem solving and strategic planning to bear on reaching higher levels of profit, job/career fulfillment, while maximizing family joy and connection.

Influencers with a Passion and Message to Reach People. Any influencer looking for guidance in building their brand, message, platform, and products. This group is structured to help bring Tony and Pete's combined 50+ years of business, digital, and marketing experience together on helping influencers reach the next level in expanding their message.

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Tony Bradshaw