An example of writing a term paper Banner

An example of writing a term paper

Monday, October 11, 2021

04:00 PM - 07:00 PM

The higher education program implies, among other things, that the student will conduct scientific research annually, the results of which are recorded in the course project. The latter is prepared for delivery and defense, which inevitably raises the question of the rules for the proper registration of his work before the student on and this is solved quite simply with the help of the appropriate methodological guidance, which, as a rule, the university provides to its students through the methodological department and directly through the supervisor. But there are situations when there is no such benefit. In this case, you can use the regulations provided by the state standard. But this should be done only in consultation with the scientific supervisor of the project.

Numbering rules

The issue of correct numbering is very important. To recount work pages, only Arabic numerals can be used, placed at the bottom of the pages in the center of the line. The title page, as well as the page with the content are also subject to recalculation, then numbers are not put on the.


In order to correctly format a paragraph, you should observe the red line and the spacing between paragraphs. As for the indent of the first line, it is 13-15 mm. And the space between paragraphs is equal to one blank line.

Work structure

As you know, term paper contains a number of different structural elements. For their correct design, it should be borne in mind that they must all begin on a new page and be labeled with a heading without a period at the end. The latter is writting in the center in capital letters and is duplicated without abbreviations in the table of contents with the obligatory indication of the page. The author who can write my essay for me and exception is the title of applications, which is right-aligned. In the center, the subheading remains, which is required for this element. Another special rule for applications concerns their numbering. They are recalculated using the letters of the Russian alphabet, and graphically the number is put down in the header also in the upper case.

Illustrations and tables in the course project

Often term papers need to be illustrated with some graphic material or accompanied by a table. There are also special rules for such cases.

First, all figures and tables are numbered with Arabic numerals. The type of numbering is predominantly continuous, although numbering by chapter is also allowed. But the tables and figures that are offered in the appendices are in any case numbered separately.

It should be borne in mind that the figure of the illustration number is written under it in the center of the line, while the figures of the table numbers are written above the table on the left side.

Sample captions for illustrations:

Diagram 1 - Signature

Diagram 1 - Signature (figure signature with continuous numbering)

Figure 1.2 - Signature (figure signature when numbering by chapters. First, the chapter number is put)

Figure A.1 - Signature (signature of the figure inside the application. First, the application number is put)

Table signatures are done in the same way.

Body of work

The chapters and paragraphs of the body of work, as well as the introduction and conclusion, are subject to the following special requirements:

The heading is written in upper case, separated from the main text by a blank line and aligned in the center.

Each section starts with a blank page.

Each page should have at least 2-3 links to sources.


Attachments are appended to the end of the job before the source list page.

The title of the application consists of the word “application” written in upper case and an alphabetic number appended to it. The line below is a subheading, in which the name of the application is written in lowercase with a capital letter.


In some works, it is required to give formulas and make other mathematical notes and descriptions in the text of the work. For such cases, there are also special rules.

First of all, it is necessary to take into account that each formula is drawn up as a separate paragraph, that is, it is separated from the top and bottom by a blank line and is indented. In addition, all formulas are also subject to recalculation, but, unlike figures and tables, their numbers are enclosed in parentheses and placed on the right side of the line.

List of sources

From all sources of information mentioned in the work, both literary and alternative, a list of used literature is formed. Each item on this list is a bibliographic list of the source. They follow each other in alphabetical order by the names of the authors, accompanied by numbering using Arabic numerals. But there is an important addition to this rule. Namely, there are literary sources in Russian ahead, followed by literature in foreign languages. At the very end are electronic and network resources.

An example of the designation of relevance in term paper

In the course work, a mandatory item in the introduction section is to determine the relevance of the topic chosen or given by the scientific advisor. Relevance, in fact, is a demanded and important solution to research the topic received. If the topic being studied is not relevant, then it makes no sense to consider it, since it has practically no significant meaning. If you do not reveal the severity of the question that has arisen, then the student should not even count on a credit for the coursework.

The student in the process of all work and, especially in the introductory part, must give a clear justification of the demand. Explain in scientific but accessible language why the process do my paper of researching a number of issues related to a given topic is important. Explain to whom or in what area the results would be useful.

In addition, an explanation is given as to why these questions are urgently needed and why they were not addressed earlier. The main thing to remember is that the volume of the description of the relevance in the introductory part of the course work takes about half a page of the typewritten sheet, that is, the presentation should not be too detailed, but not too short.

Definition of the concept of relevance

So, what is the relevance of monitoring (research) - this is the degree of importance of importance at the current moment and in this situation.

The urgency of the monitoring problem is the need for research and solution of this problem.

Explaining the importance of studying a specific topic is the justification of the relevance, and the main point in the monitoring work is the justification of the topic of relevance.

What is it for?


Replenish any shortcomings in this area;

In modern society and at the present time, develop a solution to the problem that has arisen in the future;

Consideration of the relevance of the topic is important if there is no definite point of view, dogma. In this case, the student brings his own point of view to the general discussion;

To systematize and generalize existing and new findings into a single whole;

Summarize general information with a view to their further promotion;

To draw public attention to this topic by identifying new problems and tasks.

For a better understanding, it should be noted that often in scientific works relevance is replaced by a synonym, namely the "novelty" of the topic being studied.

What does the example of relevance look like?

Example one:

The drop in the birth rate in rural districts is very relevant. Earlier, on the contrary, it was in these areas that a high increase in the birth rate was noted.

Example two:

The topic of studying the history of the city, the region is relevant due to the fact that only a few decades ago there was a wasteland in this place, and only nature was the sovereign mistress. What did the pioneer go through? The history of the emergence of this city contains many interesting stories and facts ..

Example three:

The study of the topic of the emergence of the Internet and its impact on the public is great due to the fact that it causes controversial opinions among society. But, despite this, there are practically no people who are indifferent to the world wide web, except perhaps the old generation ..

Example four:

The urgency of the problem of increasing the number of underage children sent to orphanages in the country is growing every year. An alternative to this problem is the placement of such children in foster families. But here, too, many problems arise that need to be solved before such an approach becomes common practice.

This example shows that the student indicated the relevance of the topic being studied. He simultaneously attracted public attention and voiced new questions, which means he set new tasks for society.

Example five:

The topic of the health of the younger generation in the environment, and especially of young children, is very relevant. The student can provide reasoned facts in the form of statistics from the Ministry of Health. For example, over such and such a period, the number of sick children increased by 10 percent, and so on.

As in the previous case, the student raises a very acute and painful issue and, accordingly, suggests his own ways of solving.

Example six:

An example of relevance can also relate to a narrowly focused topic. For example, there are a lot of scientific papers with voiced problems that have not been given due attention. This approach will be of interest to those students who choose the topic themselves and are well versed in it.


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