OKC NPLS | Kendra Loper | August 28th Banner

OKC NPLS | Kendra Loper | August 28th

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

08:00 AM - 09:30 AM

Quail Creek Country Club

3501 Quail Creek Road, Oklahoma City, OK, USA

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Introducing Kendra:

With over 25 years of experience in nonprofit and higher education leadership, Kendra Loper is dedicated to fostering organizational growth through mission-driven collaborations, operational efficiency and impactful messaging. Known for her curiosity, she is a lifelong learner combining new knowledge with her expertise in team development, mid-level and major gift fundraising, board development, strategic planning and marketing. Kendra’s true passion lies in growing organizations, driving improvements in processes and building team effectiveness to maximize mission impact.

 Kendra currently serves as the Director of Client Services for Veritus Group, a full-service mid-level, major gift and planned giving fundraising agency serving the non-profit community. Veritus Group specializes in helping non-profits across the globe create, build and manage their fundraising programs as they work to create authentic donor relationships, strengthen their donor pipeline and increase net revenue.

 Kendra’s experience in the nonprofit sector includes her previous roles as the Chief External Relations Officer at the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma and the Director of Development and Communications at Make-A-Wish Oklahoma.

 Kendra is also a Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach using the CliftonStrengths assessment to help organizations build stronger team dynamics, better conversations and increased collaboration.

 In her spare time, you will find her snuggling with her Great Dane and Italian Greyhound or exploring beautiful beach locations around the world with her husband. She uses too many exclamations in her emails and has never met an Oxford comma she liked.

Thanks to our sponsors:

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Mainstream Nonprofit Solutions exists to maximize the missions of charitable organizations by providing efficient, effective administrative services so charities can focus on their clients.

We help you, so you can help them.

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