October 2024 Perfect Storm Event Banner

October 2024 Perfect Storm Event

Thursday, October 17, 2024

07:00 PM - 08:30 PM

The Teton Event Center

The Teton Event Center, 3885 Crestwood Lane, Idaho Falls, ID, USA

Read more here about what 🌪️ "The Perfect Storm" is!

We get it parents - you’re exhausted. 😩

You’ve checked genetics 🧬 . Removed gluten 🍞 . Tried rewards charts 📉 , then discipline and punishment.

You’ve been encouraged and seen some progress, but then seen the past year really create even more stress and tension, making things worse. 😞

Sensory Processing, ADHD, Autism, Anxiety, chronic illness and all “Perfect Storm 🌪 ” challenges kids are going through today are happening at an unheard of rate.

And, so are your options for how to help.

You get on a Facebook Support Group or talk to other moms and dads, and you get excited by the wealth of information out there... but also immediately overwhelmed. 😬

Making diet changes makes sense on paper, but it’s nearly impossible when you’ve got a “Raging Bull” kiddo 😤 who is so stuck in fight-or-flight and all they want is more carbs, more sugar, and more video games.

It’s constant meltdowns, tantrums, battles over homework 📚 , impossible bed times, and endless behavioral and emotional regulation challenges.

There has to be a way to “calm the storm 🌪 ” and help find that path to optimal potential, more smiles, more communication, more health, and more happiness!

There is a path! 🗺

We’ve been guiding parents to this path for 10 years. Helping them sort through all the various diagnoses, medical options, natural solutions, and more.

It starts first with finding out exactly what triggered and created “The Perfect Storm 🌪 ” in the first place, and you’ll be blown away by what those things really are, and how early and often they show up in 90% or more of the case histories of kids we get to care for!

Just 20 minutes into The Perfect Storm Workshop and you’re jaw will be on the floor 😲 as you start to find the exact answers you’ve been searching and scrolling for all along!

Register right away so you can save your spot, and get your Hope, Answers, Help from Dr. Tom Bench and the Evolution Team.

Light snacks 🍇 and drinks are provided, as is plenty of time for Q & A following the presentation so that you can be sure to go home with knowing exactly what the best path forward is for your family! 🤩

We know you are very busy and promise to make every minute of the night well worth your time! You’ll be blown away by what you learn, and how much this will help your family!

See you soon!

Evo Team 208-552-9600

*Adults only please

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