SCVAS Field Trip: Sunnyvale Water Pollution Control Plant

Wednesday May 1st 2019 12:00 pm –  1:00 pm

Leader: Allen Royer. Contact landfill coordinator, Silviana Ruiz, with questions at (408) 730-7545.

Directions: Donald M. Somers Water Pollution Control Plant, turn into Borregas and then turn left at the T intersection. Meet under the pepper tree across from the Porta Potty.

Difficulty: 1-mile walk on flat trail.

Notes: Call ahead for loaner binoculars. Kids ages 10+ are welcome (no unaccompanied minors.)

For all trips: Beginners welcome. Heavy rain cancels. Carpool if possible. Bring binoculars. No unaccompanied minors.


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Sunnyvale Water Pollution Control Plant
